GPS: For the week of June 15, 2014

GPS: For the week of June 15, 2014

Weekly Reflections:

We all have promised lands – the lives we long to live, hindered only by our own fears and perceived obstacles. This week’s hero didn’t limit his promised vision to what seemed easy or proven but absolutely “owned” the presence of God into an amazing terrain of provision.

o    What would it mean to embrace the presence of God into your own promised land?

Monday-Read Exodus 17:8-16, 24:9-18 and 33:7-11

Joshua’s courage didn’t come out of nowhere, but it developed over time and through experience.

o    How do you think each of these events shaped Joshua’s belief and trust in who God is?How can you position yourself in similar ways in order to gain a bigger understanding of who God is?

Tuesday-Read Numbers 13

o    What was it that led Caleb and Joshua to have such a different conviction about the land as opposed to the other spies?

o    What does this chapter teach us about the nature of fear and despair?

o    What are some unhealthy things that fear has led you to do?

o    What are some healthy things fear has kept you from doing?

Wednesday-Read Joshua 1

o    What sort of feelings and thoughts do you think Joshua was dealing with as he prepared the people to enter the Promise Land?

o    What does this chapter teach us about the nature of courage?

o    What is the source of courage? What does courage require us to do?

o    In the face of what specific fears do you need God to give you courage?

Thursday-Read Joshua 3-4:9

o    What does this event teach us about the nature of courage?

o    Why does God have them make a pile of stones?

o    How is this related to having courage?

o    What is something God has done in your past that could help give you courage for the future?

Friday-Read Joshua 5:13-6:20

o    What does it mean that the “commander of the armies of the Lord” was neither for the Israelites nor against them?

o    Why would God have them march around the city that many times?

o    Was this victory at Jericho something that God made happen, the people made happen or perhaps both?

o    Explain. How should this influence the way you approach your own story?

Saturday-Read 24

o    This chapter captures the end of Joshua’s life. How did Joshua end well?

o    What does it look like for you to end well?

o    When it is all said and done, what do you want people to say your story was about?

o    How can knowing that impact the way you are living right now?

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