December 1 Reflection

December 1 Reflection

Beginning tomorrow Faithpoint is going to be starting the journey of advent with a series called…well…The journey.

Here we are going to be in conversation and reflection with the characters in the Christmas story.  Each week we will be reflecting on one part of the story and looking at 3 questions:

  1. What does this person or place tell us about the character of God?
  2. What does this part of the story tell us about the child whose birth we are going to be celebrating at the end of the month?
  3. What does this person’s story have to do the the why God is calling me to live and act?

In addition to the weekend worship services we have a number of other ways that you are able to connect and plug-in with the Faithpoint community during this series.

First, we have a number of small groups that are going on right now that you can make connections with.  These are a great place for conversation, connection and friendships during a season where so much is asked of you.  Small groups give you a chance to recharge.

Secondly you can pick up some study materials to read along at your own pace.  (here for the kindle version of the book, or here for the print copy .  Or you can follow the daily GPS (grow, pray, study) devotions.

Finally, we are going to have guest bloggers monday-friday in this series.  I will be doing the Saturday posts and Sunday you get the day off, or we will see you in church.  These posts will be on the weekly reflections that we send out to the church.  So you can follow along and comment on the blog, facebook or send out your thoughts via twitter with the hashtag #faithpointum

I hope that you will join us in any/all the ways you are able.  I am excited about what God will be doing throughout this season of advent.  Come and be part of the journey.


Be God’s

Pastor Chris


    Linda D

    The first Small Group session was fascinating. So many things I didn’t know about the Christmas story.

    Can’t wait to see the daily blog. A-N-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N!!!!

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