Advent Reflection for December 20, 1012

Advent Reflection for December 20, 1012

 THURSDAY 1 Samuel 2:1-11

• Hannah’s song said “those who stumbled are armed with strength… those who were hungry arenot in a palace, but in an animal shelter. How can you, as a Christ-follower, more fully live into God’s attitude toward material wealth and poverty?

• 1 Samuel 1 says Hannah’s husband had another wife, Peninah (common in that day). She had children, and taunted Hannah, causing her great pain. Do some parts of Hannah’s song carry a tone of triumph over her rival that wasn’t in Mary’s? How do you see the difference between healthy joy in God’s goodness and hurtful gloating?

Today’s reflection by Jennifer Poole

Elkanah had two wives. Peninnah who had children and Hannah who felt sad  because she had none.  Year after year Elkanah and his two wives went to Shiloh to worship the Lord.  Peninnah purposely provoked Hannah in order to upset her about God closing her womb.  She was weeping and did not want to eat. Hannah chose to go to the temple where she wept as she prayed to the Lord.  She asked God to see her misery and give her a son.  She vowed that she would give her son to the Lord for the rest of his life.

In time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son whom she named Samuel.  She kept him with her until she had weaned him (probably a year or two).  She took her son to the house of the Lord at Shiloh and gave him to the priest Eli and to the Lord.  Then she went to the Lord in prayer.

I admire Hannah for keeping her vow to God. It must have been very difficult to give up Samuel.  I wonder what thoughts she had as she walked home.  Did she feel like she wanted to run back and return Samuel to her house?  Did her arms feel empty?  Did she miss the smell of him and his smile?  But she kept her promise to God!

Also, I admire her choice to trust God to take care of her son.  Wow!   For me, she is an inspiring  example of someone trusting the Lord.  Not only does she trust Him with her son, but I can see it in her prayer.  When she says, “My mouth boasts over my enemies,” she seems to be gloating, but she trusts God to hear her negative thoughts and her praises for Him.  While praying to  the Lord, Hannah is genuine and does not feel a need to hide parts of herself from Him.

I feel so blessed that I can come before our Lord and speak with openness and honesty, share what is going on in my life, how I feel, what I am struggling with, and praise Him.


