Lent Devotion for March 25

Lent Devotion for March 25

Reflecting on Psalm 136

Forever . . .
This meeting is taking forever. Waiting for the doctor to come is taking forever! Spring break won’t come in forever!

The moments we dread or that require patience from us seem to slow down to a snail’s pace. How is the week leading up to vacation so much slower than the week of vacation itself? The three days before our escape to the beach surely last way longer than our six days at the beach. Yet those six days feel like minutes.
Our concept of time is influenced by our current circumstances. Time speeds up or slows down depending on how we are feeling at that point and how engaged we are with the task at hand.
But do we truly understand “forever”? Forever is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as: “For a limitless time” and “For a continuous time”
Every other line of Psalm 136 says, “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.” “His love endures forever.”
“His love…endures…forever.” His love is limitless and continuous.
Our meetings end. The doctor comes. Spring break comes. The moments we dread pass. The moments we cherish pass. Our concept of time does not change but the Creator of the universe loves me for all time.
I cannot destroy that love, I cannot change His mind about loving me. It is limitless and continuous . . .it is forever.
I rest in that joyful knowledge and I push on so that others might come into knowing His “forever” love as well.

Written by: The Gull Family, FaithPoint


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