Spiritual Growth Map

Spiritual Growth Map

Spiritual Growth Pathway

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The Basics

This form will guide you in making goals for the coming season. We will ask basic information on this page, and then there will be a page for each of our four growth areas. We would strongly encourage you to take the offer of talking with a trained team member about getting the most out of your map

Life groups are any FaithPoint based ministry group that gather to help us take our next faithful step in service, study or building community. This might include bible study, missions groups, leadership teams, or others.


Glorifying God is one of the critical parts of remembering where our focus is to be directed. It also allows us to stay mindful that the world is not all about us, but about something bigger than ourselves. This something bigger is God. We find our story wrapped up in this story of cosmic redemption that is all of creation.

Choose the statment that most fits where you feel you are.

Glorify Practices

Order these spiritual practices in order of your strongest (1) to weakest (4) please use each number only once when ranking your strength in these practices.


Growing in our relationship with God and in following Jesus is critical. It is most commonly associated with Bible Study but incorporates all areas of our lives including our spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing.

Choose the statment that most fits where you feel you are.

Glorify Practices

Order these spiritual practices in order of your strongest (1) to weakest (4) please use each number only once when ranking your strength in these practices.


Giving and investing in the ministry of the church is an important way that we are able to grow personally and equip the church to fufill its mission in the world. Here we will ask question about how and where you invest your time and financial gifts.

Choose the statment that most fits where you feel you are.

Glorify Practices

Order these spiritual practices in order of your strongest (1) to weakest (4) please use each number only once when ranking your strength in these practices.

Examples: children's ministry, hospitality, worship design, communications.....


The Go ministries at FaithPoint are critical to who we are and why we exist. We are reaching wide into our community to share the Good News with those who have not heard it, have walked away for a season or who need to rediscover what a vibrant faith is lived like. In serving the community and not just one another we are able to see what matters and serve in a way that blesses the community and deepens our understanding of God.

Choose the statment that most fits where you feel you are.

Glorify Practices

Order these spiritual practices in order of your strongest (1) to weakest (4) please use each number only once when ranking your strength in these practices.

what groups or individuals can you share your faith with this year? Coworkers, family, or specific names.