FaithPoint is in a season of transition.
We are currently in the middle of a shift in worship space, leadership structure, and have some staffing changes as well. This page will be periodically updated about the changes, shifts, and how you can be part of shaping the future of FaithPoint.

Beginning on June 5th 2022, the day of Pentecost, we will be moving our worship location to Wesley Chapel UMC. We will worship at 6pm on Sunday nights.
Wesley Chapel is located at 3519 Urbana Pike.
We have had a deep and abiding relationship with Wesley Chapel. This is the location of our ministry center, where we have heard the Celebrate Recovery meetings and Bible School in the past.
Some Common questions (FAQ) have been
What can I expect on Sunday Night?
Well, the doors open for us to set up at 5pm. So if you want some time to chat and fellowship before worship, you can help set-up, or bring your dinner and eat with friends, or play games and connect. Then we will have our casual contemporary worship beginning at 6pm. Then from 7-8 we will have some more time of connection through discussion questions.
Additionally, we will be able to make use of the nursery and kids ministry available throughout the worship time in some dedicated nursery/education space.
Why move?
Worshiping at the middle school is not being faithful to our mission. We found that we were preaching that we wanted to be a place of hope and connection for everyone who comes through our physical or digital doors. This includes those who are pouring out their sweat equity to make worship happen. We found that our volunteers were spending so much time and energy setting up church that they didn’t have much left in the tank to be in fellowship. This was a major factor in the decision.
Why Now?
Some of it is because we have been fairly nomadic because the pandemic has chased us fully online, to outside in the middle school parking lot, to the shower door king, to the YMCA, eventually back to the middle school, then back online only for a bit and then back to the middle school. In all of the bouncing around, we began to ask the question about the mission and if the financial and relationship costs of being at the school are worth it.
Why Sunday Night?
Well, we heard that many people have really liked their Sunday mornings moving at a little slower pace. Plus, you can go to about 15 other churches on Sunday mornings. But Sunday night at 6 seems late enough to get a great day of fun in, and then begin winding down with worship before a new week of school, work, and serving Jesus. When looking at the options Sunday seemed to be the best option for days, and the 6pm hour allows kindness to those preparing for worship and some good fellowship time after worship without scrambling to clean up.

Planning Meetings on Tuesday
Each tuesday in May and June, we will have an all church meeting that will spend the first portion of the meeting giving an update and clarifying any questions that have come in throughout the week. Then (maybe around 7 pm) we will shift to the meeting focus of the day. You can find all of the meetings by following this link
Metting focus:
- May 31, “Glorify Team” discusses worship logistics for the Wesley Chapel move, and general ideas about July worship.
- June 7th–Leadership team gathers to talk about the church conference being held on the 12th and ensure we have all of the documentation needed for the DS to make things official.
- June 14, “Go” ministries and mission advocates planning out the monthly missions (local/regional, national and international), we feel support the mission and ministry of the community.
- June 21- First official meeting with the new steering team members.

on Sunday, June 12th, following worship at 7:00pm we will be having a church conference to vote on a new leadership structure and those who will serve on the newly formed Steering team. This is an important meeting for all church members to attend so you can vote and share thoughts with our district superintendent. This will be a hybrid meeting for in-person and zoom access. You can find the meeting by following this link

The Church Conference meeting above will be to vote in a new leadership structure and Steering (leadership) Team. The new structure is called a “Simplified Accountable Structure.” This structure is outlined in detail by Kay Kotan, and how this structure fits within the United Methodist Discipline.
Shifting to a single Steering team means that FaithPoint will be able to be more nimble in decision making, and stay more fully on mission because the single team will take on the role of trustees, finance, church council, and SPRC.
The steering team works with ministry teams to set goals that are rooted in the mission of the church. The steering team will then work with the ministry teams to evaluate and equip the teams to meet those goals.
You can download this document for a basic outline of this structure and how it may take shape at FathPoint.