Election Day Worship
  • 3519 Urbana Pike
    Frederick, MD 21704

  • Wesley Chapel UMC

Election Day Worship

As the presidential election draws near there is anxiety, frustration, uncertainty and a host of other emotions.  November 8th is an important day in the life of our nation.  However at the end of the day we are still a nation, and for many of us we are still followers of Jesus before all else.  No candidate, not just the ones at the top of the ticket, we cast a vote for on Election Day are the messiah.  None are perfect.

On November 9th we will need to continue to know how to act and life as one body.  So why not model this on election day?

Beginning at 7:30 am the doors of Wesley Chapel UMC will be open to any and all who would like time to pause and pray/reflect on their upcoming decision or decisions that have been made.

At 7:30 pm we will gather together for worship and communion.  We know that no matter who you voted for or the outcome of the day, there is a place for you around the communion table.  We will take some time to sing and reflect on what it is to be unified, and stand as the diverse body called the church.

We would love to see you there with friends and family


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