GPS: For the week of August 11, 2013

GPS: For the week of August 11, 2013

As we jump into the music this series we realize that there is a hymn book in our bible.  It is the book of Psalms.  So during this series we will be using the book of psalms to guide our devotional time.  In addition the devotions come from a reflection blog from Frazier United Methodist Church  that can be found at


Monday: READ: Psalm 2

“Watch Out!” That is a word of warning to keep us from hurting ourselves and being hurt by something else. We need someone to holler, “Watch out!” We all could have been saved from the consequences of some stupid decision if someone had just warned us. But then sometimes, we get warned and we ignore the warning signs.

Psalm 2 is what I call a “You better watch out” psalm. “Be warned,” the psalmist says, “You rulers of this earth. Serve the Lord with reverent fear. Submit to the royal Son or you will be destroyed.” Be very careful of turning your back on God. When governments, corporations, nations, or people rebel against God and begin to think they are smarter than God, that they are in control and that they don’t need God, that their plans are better than God’s plan—you’d better watch out. God is unimpressed with human arrogance. He laughs at those who would ignore Him. Psalm 2 is a warning to nations, governments, corporations, and people that if you continue to choose your way over God’s way, you’d better watch out. God’s way will triumph over the evil ways of man.

Prayer Focus: Pray for our country, our president, our leaders, and ourselves not to forget God.


Tuesday: READ: Psalm 3

Can you remember the darkest moment of your life? Perhaps you have tried to forget it, but when you are at the lowest moment of life, you feel so alone, so vulnerable, and so abandoned. In Psalm 3, David is at one of the darkest moments of his life. His son Absalom had betrayed him and had taken over the throne of Israel. David was cast out as king by his own son. His family was in shambles. His life was a mess. His enemies were pursuing him. He was living in darkness.

But David didn’t give in to the darkness. He leaned on his faith. He remembered five truths about God: God protects (vs. 3); God is enough (vs. 3); God restores (vs. 3); God is accessible (vs. 4); and God blesses the faithful and judges the unrighteous (vs. 6).

When you are in dark times, turn your thoughts off the darkness and turn your thoughts to God. Remember who God is, and you can go to sleep in peace, for God has your back.

Prayer Focus: Pray for those who are in darkness that the eyes of their heart and the thoughts of their mind will be focused on the greatness of God.


Wednesday: READ: Psalm 5

Please consider! That is an interesting phrase. When someone is trying to get your business they will say, “Please consider us.” When someone offers a different opinion than yours, they will ask, “Please consider what I am telling you.” I suppose we mean by those words, “Don’t take this lightly. Think deeply about it. Make a careful, deliberate decision.”

King David is once again surrounded by difficulties, and they are becoming a heavy load to bear. He prays, “Lord, please consider what I am saying. Please hear my prayers. Pay attention to my pain.” Most of us have been there. Generally, when we pray, we are seeking immediate relief. “Lord, don’t take this lightly. Please consider this; think deeply about it. Do something now, Lord.” And God does hear us when we say, “Please consider.” And sometimes if you listen carefully, you can hear the Lord respond with, “Please consider… consider my love for you, my mercy, and my grace. Think deeply about the fact that you are not alone. I am with you. You don’t need to panic. I am here for you. Please consider.”

Prayer Focus: As you pray for God to consider your request, listen for God who asks you to consider Him and His love for you.


Thursday: READ: Psalm 6

I remember as a child traveling to visit Lookout Mountain. On top of that great rock is a marker claiming one can see seven states on a clear day. However, looking “out” is not the same as looking “in” The valley is where looking “in” happens with greater clarity. While mountaintop experiences can take your .breath away with a panoramic view from thousands of feet in the air, the mountain does have its limitations. From the top of the mountain there is no detail. You cannot see the individuality of a beautiful tree, an interesting animal, or a new person to befriend. Likewise, the valleys of life offer each of us the opportunity for clarity. It’s in these valley moments that we discover what is most important in life. Psalm 6 is a prayer that yearns for God’s presence after grieving an illness. It’s only after the psalmist travels the valley of human pain, that the clarity of God’s goodness, comfort, and mercy becomes real. We can be in awe of God on the mountaintop and miss the intimacy with God. I like the mountaintop, but I’m learning to love the valley.

Prayer Focus: Next time you find yourself traveling through the valley, pray Psalm 6 and give thanks for clarity. Give thanks for the intimacy with God that you find there.


Friday: READ: Psalm 7

A campaign began back in the early 80’s that still continues today. While living in Florida it became a big emphasis throughout the Florida Public Schools. The campaign centered around saving the manatee, an endangered species that made its home off the coast of Florida. Bumper stickers, t-shirts, license plates, and many other items had the “Save The Manatee” logo printed on it. To say the least, it was a very big deal! Saving an endangered species was serious business and the call went out to everyone to help. We were being asked to preserve the manatee.

Psalm 7 begins with a similar petition: deliver me. This is a prayer of preservation. It is a plea to be saved! There are numerous moments in Scripture where we find people pleading with God for deliverance. We may find ourselves at some point in a dire situation. Psalm 7 is our prayer that God will indeed be our Great Deliverer!

Prayer Focus: When you find yourself endangered, say the prayer faithful people have been saying for centuries—deliver me!


Saturday: READ: Psalm 10

A favorite game of children is Hide and Seek. We all know how to play this game, but let me remind you: one person is chosen to count with their eyes closed while everyone else hides. So which role does God play? Is it God’s nature to hide or to seek? Is God a distant God? These questions come into the mind and heart of many a believer.

Psalm 10 is a prayer reminder that God is a seeking God. Often times, all of His children are off hiding, but God is in the business of seeking and finding. Hide and Seek is a great game, but when it comes to the game of life, God is never found hiding. Think about this for a moment. When we feel that God is distant, stand-offish, hiding, maybe that is the moment we must realize that we are the ones hiding from God! However, just like in Hide and Seek, the one who is “it” is doing everything possible to find someone. God is doing the same for us when we are hiding. God is doing everything possible to find you!

Prayer Focus: When you think God is hiding; when you don’t think God is near; when you think God is not there to help—start praying Psalm 10 as a reminder that God never hides, God always seeks!


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