GPS: For the week of June 28, 2014

GPS: For the week of June 28, 2014

In a culture of opulence and indulgence, Daniel didn’t compromise to get promoted. Rather, his disciplined lifestyle inspired and influenced the world around him. How about you? Are lazy, impulsive choices compromising the potential for your own HERO status?


Monday-Read Daniel 1

What do you notice about Daniel’s character from this passage?

What was behind Daniel’s resolution to, “not defile himself”?

What was the result of Daniel’s commitment?

In what ways are you specifically challenged by Daniel’s example?


Tuesday-Read Daniel 2

What does chapter 2 reveal to us about Daniel’s character?

In what ways does Daniel demonstrate complete dependence on God?

How does Daniel demonstrate humility?

When you find yourself in a sticky situation are you as quick as Daniel to turn to God? Explain.


Wednesday-Read Daniel 3

Really reflect on verses 16-18. How do these verses challenge and convict you?

How do they inspire and encourage you?

What does it take to get to the place where you have that kind of faith?


Thursday-Read Daniel 6

How did Daniel’s commitment to his faith bring him into opposition with the surrounding culture?

What does this teach us about godly character?

In what ways are you experiencing opposition with the surrounding culture because of your commitment to your faith?


Friday-Read James 1

What does this chapter have to say about a person of godly character?

Why would a double-minded person be unstable in all of his or her ways?

What is something from this passage that you are seeing in your life?

What is something that you need to work on?


Saturday-Read Matthew 10

Following Jesus is hard. That is what you call an understatement. What do you find the most challenging about this passage?

In the face of this challenge, what makes following Jesus “worth it” for you?

According to this passage how should our commitment to Jesus be a public demonstration?

How public is your commitment to Jesus?

How could it become more visible to the people around you?

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