Lent Devotion for March 10

Lent Devotion for March 10

Reflecting on Psalm 51

The blood of Jesus is the holy Hyssop that washes us as white as snow.  And when the Lord looks at us, he sees the blood of Jesus, who was without sin, covering us and making us clean in his sight.  King David longed to be cleansed and to have his sin removed from God’s sight.  Further than that, he longed for wisdom in his deepest heart.  God had said of David; “a man after my own heart”.  And yet he sinned and needed forgiveness as much as any other man.
In thinking about my own sin, I often thought it came from my deepest heart, from the hidden place in me that is known only to me.  But I now know that my secret heart is the place where God has worked the most change in me.  It’s the place that whispers to me to change from something I’ve said or a decision I’ve made that is sinful.  The wisdom to recognize my sin and to be open to what God is teaching me all resides in my heart, in the place where only He can reach.

Why do we keep sinning when we know that it’s wrong to do?

Written by: Pastor TJ Mount, Araby UMC


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