John 2: 1 – 12
Have you ever been asked to do what seemed impossible to accomplish? Chances are, it wasn’t as impossible as Jesus having to turn water into wine, but the task was daunting nonetheless.
Many times, we are given tasks that seem impossible to us at first glance. We think about the time and energy the challenge involves and about everything else that we could accomplish in place of that one particular task. But seldom do we consider the impact we have on others while performing these tasks.
It’s easy for us to make excuses. In the moment of decision, not being involved almost logically places us out of responsibility with the outcome of the task. Even Jesus tried getting out of turning water into wine when his own mother asked him to.
However, by not answering the call to lend a hand or take the first steps in those “impossible tasks”, we fail the same people we set out to help. Making excuses or putting off our involvement in issues or projects only delays the inevitable and adds to the struggle of accomplishing great things. And worse of all, it shows that we don’t care about those we serve or those we serve alongside of. We turn an act of selflessness into self-centeredness.
Think what would have happened if Christ refused to turn water into wine. He wouldn’t have just embarrassed his mother; He would’ve denied an opportunity for God to work through Him to benefit others – the sole reason He was sent to live among us in the first place.
What are some impossible challenges you’ve been tasked with? What is stopping you from taking the first steps in accomplishing the impossible? How is your decision to not act on your challenges affecting others?
Written by: Courtney Ward, FaithPoint
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