Writing Your Story

Writing Your Story

The story that we tell are powerful ways that others can get to know God.  We all have a story about the way that God has changed out lives and we need to tell that story.

Faithpoint is a community of real people living real lives.  This means that we are a community who owns our brokenness, scars, and baggage.  You might think your story is lame and no one would want to hear it, but I am convinced someone does.  I also feel that when we reflect on the way God has entered our lives you will find something compelling to talk about.  After all something compelled you to put your faith in God in the first place, right?!

The last part of Faithpoint’s mission is that along with being real people living real lives is that we are living into a real life-changing faith in Jesus Christ.  God is moving just as much today as yesterday and when the scriptures were written.  In sharing our story we partner with God for the transformation of the world.

Below is a link to a worksheet that we encourage you to take some time with.  Take a look at the story of the apostle Paul and the life-change that happened to him because of Christ.  Then begin to write your story and share.  If you feel compelled to share this with Pastor Chris, or the congregation one weekend please let us know.  The sharing of theses stories are a great way for us to live into the mission and vision of the church God has called us to be.


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