GPS: For the week of August 10, 2014

GPS: For the week of August 10, 2014

Weekly Reflections for the week of August 10,  2014:
From magazine covers to musical hits, we live in a culture convinced that physical beauty and youth reign supreme. However, this week’s hero, Sarah, reveals that true beauty comes from the inside out.
Monday-Read Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7 and 1 Peter 3:1-6
How did Sarah live a story worth telling? What does she reveal to us about true beauty?
How does Sarah’s beauty contradict the world’s definition of beauty?
Tuesday-Read Matthew 23
Obviously, Jesus is pretty incensed. About what is he so angry?
What does this teach us about what God values compared to what we value?
According to Jesus, our validation is to come from God. How do you struggle with this?
Apart from God, where do you try and find validation?
Wednesday-Read Ephesians 2:1-10
Grace is a big theme of this passage. What does it mean to be “saved by grace”?
Verse 10 says we are God’s “handiwork.” What does that mean?
How would embracing God’s grace more fully change the way you live?
Thursday-Read Philippians 4
Why do you think Paul wants them to think about “such things”?
What is the danger in not thinking about them?
From where does Paul’s confidence and contentment come?
What are some of the negative voices and influences you are allowing to speak into your life?
How can you quiet those voices?
Friday-Proverbs 31:10-31
What is it about this woman that is so beautiful?
How is charm deceptive and beauty fleeting?
Who is someone you know that has demonstrated this kind of beauty?
Saturday-Read Psalm 139
What does this Psalm say about the intentionality with which God created each one of us?
What does it mean to be fearfully and wonderfully made?
No matter how you are feeling about yourself, make this your prayer today.
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