Advent Reflection for December 10, 2012

Advent Reflection for December 10, 2012

 MONDAY Matthew 1:18-25

• Matthew identifies the child three ways. It’s the story of the birth of “the Messiah [God’s anointed one]” (verse 18), named “Jesus [Greek for “Joshua”—“God saves”] because he

will save his people from their sins” (verse 21) and they will call him “Immanuel (which means ‘God with us’)” (verse 23). Which of these three ways of identifying Jesus speaks most deeply to your heart this Advent season?

• Luke 1:38 showed Mary saying, “I am the Lord’s servant…. May your word to me be fulfilled.” Matthew 1:24 says Joseph “did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him.” What is God calling you to do or be this Advent season?

Today’s Reflection By Jillian Trawick

In Matthew 1:18 – 25 we are hearing about the personal way in which God chose to reveal God’s self.  Through messy and scandalous means we welcome this new addition to the world.  Though this child has come to be known by many names, Jesus, Messiah, anointed one, it is Immanuel that resonates in my heart this season.  Immanuel, “God with us,” in the flesh.  Breathing our air, stirring up our dust.  Just as Mary and Joseph were reminded of their important place in God’s plan through the prophecies, I know that I too have a call to be obedient even through the messy (and possibly scandalous!  Gasp!)  plan God has for me.


    Joy P

    Thank you for this reflection. I am so thankful God uses messy things. What a mess I am….that He would chose this mess to be part of His plan. I’m glad to be a part of this journey with you in all it’s messiness and scandalousness. Our God does not put on airs….He knows….He knows us all too well. Prasie be to God our Savior!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!

    Dennis Stark

    As the Holy Trinity is a difficult concept to grasp but is a foundation of our belief, I need all three identities of Christ in one being. I can’t think of our Lord without knowing Him as the anointed One, He lives in us and He is our Savior. None of these identities alone captures the essence of my Savior.

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