GPS: For the week of Dec 21, 2014

GPS: For the week of Dec 21, 2014

Imagine Love

At the heart of the Christmas story is a radical redefinition of what the world believes about what God is like and what true power is. When God shows up God doesn’t come as a king on a throne, but as a baby born in a manger. God’s power is not rooted in fear, but in self-giving love. This week we will take a look at God’s upside down…or right side up…love for us and how that love, through us, brings God’s promised future into the present.


Monday: Read Luke 1:26-80

Really pay attention to the two “songs” in this chapter. According to these songs, whom is God for? Whom will God eventually elevate? What do these songs have to say to us about God’s upside-down nature? How do they encourage you this holiday season?

Tuesday: Read Philippians 2:1-11

Verses 6-11 are believed to be one of the earliest Christian hymns. In a way it is a behind- the-scenes look at the birth of Christ. Really dig into this—according to this passage how does Jesus demonstrate his “equality with God”? How is this different than what the world tends to think about God and power? How does this challenge you?

Wednesday: Read Zephaniah 3:14-20

What does this passage say to us about God’s love? How does verse 17 speak to you? Who is someone that you can share this verse with today?

Thursday: Read Colossians 1:15-23

According to this passage—who exactly is Jesus? (Write down all of the “He is” statements.) In what ways does it encourage you to know that the God of the universe looks like Jesus? In what ways do you struggle to really trust that? Keep those things in the front of your mind, and then pray your way through this passage.

Friday: Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31

How would you summarize this passage into one sentence? How does Jesus, and specifically the cross, represent “the power of God”? How does this redefine our understanding of power? What does it mean to “boast in the Lord”? What does that look like for you?

Saturday: Read 1 John 4:7-21

How does our love for one another show people God? (Verse 12) Verse 16 tells us to “know and rely on the love God has for us.” Why is that so important? What does it mean when it says that there is no fear in love? Why can’t fear and love co-exist? Who is someone specifically that you have a hard time loving? Think about them, and then pray through this passage.

Sunday: Read Isaiah 61

Advent is about imagining a world set right and anticipating God’s promised future. This passage is a description of that future. How does love help bring that future into the present? What about this passage encourages you the most? In what ways are you partnering with Jesus in making this world a reality?


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