GPS: For the week of Dec 7, 2014

GPS: For the week of Dec 7, 2014

Imagine Peace

Peace – it’s slippery. Disruptions abound – and when they do we lose all sense of serenity. How is peace possible inside the world we inhabit? This week’s questions will focus on getting to the heart of what the peace of God is and the possibility it has to invade our brokenness and bring us wholeness.


Monday: Read Isaiah 9:1-7

Peace is often mentioned alongside of justice and righteousness. What does that tell us about what peace is? How does that differ from what we tend to think of what peace is?  This is a prophecy concerning the reign of the Messiah whom we know as Jesus. How does the description of his reign bring you encouragement?


Tuesday: Read Psalm 34

What does this psalm have to teach us about peace? Verse 14 tells us to “seek peace and pursue it.” How does that influence your understanding of peace? What would it look like for you to seek peace in the areas where you are lacking it?


Wednesday: Read Isaiah 58

This chapter may not mention the word peace, but it powerfully illustrates the difference between our common misconception about peace (the absence of conflict) and the peace of God (the presence of wholeness). According to this passage what does the peace of God here on earth look like? How does this passage challenge you?


Thursday: Read Galatians 5:13-26

Peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit. How does that influence your understanding of the peace that we desire in our lives? What does it look like for you to “keep in step with the Spirit” in regards to peace?


Friday: Read Matthew 5:1-12

The Beatitudes should be read as a progression. What does it mean to be poor in spirit, to mourn and to be meek, and what does that have to do with peace between one another?


Saturday: Read Romans 14

In today’s church we don’t argue over food laws (in the first century this had everything to do with pagan worship), but we do argue over plenty of other things. What are some of the quarrels that plague the church today? How does what you have learned this week about the peace of God speak into the conflict within today’s church?


Sunday: Read John 14

How does verse 27 comfort you? This past weekend, Pastor Nick said that peace often begins with disruption—when the truth of the gospel confronts the absurdity of our circumstance. In what area do you need to experience disruption? In your inner life? In your relational life? In your relationship with the wider world? Spend some time in prayer, and ask God to do in you whatever needs to be done so that you can experience true peace.

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