GPS: For the week of July 21, 2013

GPS: For the week of July 21, 2013

MONDAY John 4:1 – 6 An imperative rest stop for Jesus

We often read the story of Jesus ’ meeting with a Samaritan woman in one quick rush. This week we will read it at a slower pace.

• John said Jesus “had to go” through Samaria. Pastor Roger Frederickson  wrote, “He did  not need to save the three days He could gain by passing through this ill – regarded  province rather than crossing the river and going up the eastern desert route … the Father  had sent Him into the whole world — not just part of it.” Does God’s love still call us to go to places that human divisions tell us to avoid? How can you break down barriers between you and other people in your day – to – day life?


TUESDAY  John 4:7 – 10 Jesus asked for, and offered, water

• Rabbi Eliezer, who lived not long after Jesus’ day, wrote, “He that eats the bread of the Samaritans is like to one that eats the flesh of swine.” Yet in addition to Jesus asking the woman for a drink, Jesus’ disciples had gone into the city to buy him some food (verse 8).  How can asking another person for help in some way break down barriers that may separate you from them? Are you willing to ask for help when you need it?


WEDNESDAY  John 4:11 – 15 “Give me this water! ”

• Jesus said, “The water that I give will become in those who drink it a spring of water that bubbles up into eternal life” (verse 14). What choices have helped you make your walk with Jesus one that “bubbles up into eternal life”? In what ways are you able to let that joyous, bubbling quality show as you go about your business?

• Pastor Bruce Milne noted the humanity and naturalness Jesus showed toward this woman:  “Jesus is clearly ‘at ease’ with her, which frees her to confront her deepest needs.” Who are the people who, because of beliefs or lifestyle, make you uneasy? How

can Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well help you find ways to relate more naturally and  comfortably to them?


THURSDAY  John 4:16 – 24 Honesty without shame

• In verses 16 – 18, Jesus showed the woman that he knew her past. She still seemed to resist opening up to Jesus about her life. When you have opened up to people about a challenge or struggle, has that prove d beneficial or hurtful? How can you recognize trustworthy people? When has God supported and strengthened you through such “safe” people? Are you willing to be vulnerable to people like that when you need to be?


FRIDAY  John 4:25 – 30 Acceptance trumped shame

• A simple detail in verse 28 points to this story’s origin with an eyewitness: “The woman put down her water jar and went into the city.” This story came from someone who saw the woman put down her water jar and leave it at the well. What difference does it make to your faith that Jesus was a real person,  not just a comic book character? How can you open your real life more fully to the real Jesus who wants to transform you?


SATURDAY John 4:31 – 42 A Savior passionate about the harvest

• Scholar N. T. Wright asked, “When were you last so excited about something that you didn’t need to eat?” In an hour or less, the woman went from a social outcast trapped in a messed – up life to being “the first evangelist to the Samaritan people.” And Jesus had seen, firsthand, that “here, outside the boundaries of the chosen people, away from Jerusalem itself, there was a spiritual hunger which … was ready to hear what he had to say.” What excites and “feeds” you most about the ways in which you are able to serve God? What would you like to get involved in that would deepen that joy and excitement? How can you begin to plan to make that happen?
Family Activity:  Go on a treasure hunt for imperfect belongings through your home. Ask everyone to look for places on walls, items, clothes, etc., that have marks, chips or stains on them. Gather together and have each person bring one or two imperfect items. Show or describe them to each other. Talk about what is imperfect and perfect about each one.  Discuss that we each have parts of us that are marked up, chipped or stained — parts that are imperfect. Remind your family that God loves everyone no matter what — the parts that are close to perfect and the parts that are very flawed. Ask God to help each of you with your imperfections. Offer them to God and ask God to turn them into something beautiful.

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