GPS: For the week of June 16, 2013

GPS: For the week of June 16, 2013

Monday: Read Exodus 1:1-8

Exodus begins with a kind of cultural amnesia.  If you are a Disney fan, think about the movie The Lion King. Mufasa’s kingship came to an abrupt end and now Scar (the new Pharaoh) is on the throne and it is not good for those without voice.   Reflect on what has happened between Genesis and Exodus.  You may want to reread the end of Genesis for a refresher.

  • Where have you seen this kind of cultural amnesia in your life or the world around you?
  • In what ways do you strive relearn the forgotten ways so history doesn’t repeat itself?


Tuesday: Read Exodus 1:9-14

Pharaoh sees that the Hebrews are growing in numbers.  They are actually fulfilling the call God had placed upon them to: “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.” Genesis 1:28 (NLT)

  • What is Pharaoh’s reaction to this?  Why?
  • What is your first reaction to change you see coming on the horizon?  Is this the reaction you would like to have, or do you need some help in reshaping perspective?


Wednesday: Read Exodus 1:14-21

Here we see a bold move on the part of the Hebrew midwives in disobeying the orders of Pharaoh. Here the word “Hebrew” could have been used for literal Hebrews or to denote foreigners to Egypt.  Regardless we know that they had a love for God.

  • What were they risking when they went against the given orders?  What could they have gained? On a scale of 1-10 how clever was their excuse?
  • When have you faced a choice of following the rules and following God?  How did you make your decision?
  • *Bonus* share your “God-following” decision making process with us (  We are always looking for resources and insight on how to be better disciples.


Thursday: Read Exodus 1:22-2:10

In the birth narrative of Moses we see that this child was tossed into the river as were the orders at the time.  He just happened to be in an ark at the time.  This was an ark of hope in many ways similar to Noah’s story.

  • What does this passage reveal about the character of God?
  • When have you felt like you were being tossed into dangerous waters, only to find you were floating in an ark of hope?  Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the hope and faithfulness of God during those rough waters in your life.


Friday: Read Exodus 2 11-14

Moses has one foot in Pharaoh’s house and the other foot in the Hebrew camp. Moses’ hand is forced to pick sides when he encounters the Egyptian beating the Hebrew slave.

  • How does this work out for Moses?
  • Homeless and rejected by both sides Moses had to flee.  Have you ever felt this kind of loneliness?   Remember God is God of all of creation, so no matter where you are you are going with God behind, beside and before you.


Saturday: Read Exodus 2:15-25

Today’s passage is like the perfect mounting wave on the horizon. Moses finds a place to call home, he begins a family and rebuilding his life.  Soon God is going to be asking big things.  Moses is waiting on his surfboard getting prepared for the ride of his life.

  • Where do you feel God is generating a gnarly wave? What is making your heart beat a little faster with excitement when you think about it?
  • How are you getting ready to catch the wave?
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