GPS: For the week of May 19, 2013

GPS: For the week of May 19, 2013

Monday: Read Acts 2: 1-4a In one Accord

    • As some of the first Christians gather together they were seeking out the will of God.  There is not a feeling of “it’s my way or the highway, ” in the text.  Rather they are all seeking out what God has in store for all of them.  Where do you see this idea of being of one accord the most in your life? Where is it least?
    • What are you doing to stay “in accord” with God’s will and desire for your life?

Tuesday: Read Acts 3:2-8

    • Could you imagine being this man who can now walk again? Just moments before you were filled with despair and in a moment there is overwhelming Joy.
    • When does this new purpose begin? The moment you realize all Jesus has done for you…the moment you start giving thanks. How can you fulfill your new purpose of thanking God today?

Wednesday: Read Acts 4:8-13

    • Peter and John had this reputation of being bold for Jesus. Even the rulers of the people and elders of Israel saw it. The locals of their town knew they were brave enough to stand for Jesus. What a great reputation to have! Their boldness caught everyone’s eye even though they were perceived as uneducated and untrained. When was the last time you were bold for Jesus?
    • What made Peter and John so bold? What will make you bold?

Thursday: Read Acts 5:1-5

    • Ananias went to church and pretended to be like the other believers, but his heart had never been occupied by the Holy Spirit. Satan filled his empty heart so he lied to the Holy Spirit and died. God’s severe punishment of Ananias, and later his wife, protected the church from false followers and filled it with true believers: “none of the rest dared join them…and believers were increasingly added to the Lord.” (Acts 5:13-14)
    • The Holy Spirit does not sublease what He owns. If you ask the Holy Spirit to reside in your heart, He owns it – all of it. He will encourage you, guide you, protect you, convict you, and prevent any ‘squatters’ from taking up residence in your heart. Are there any ‘squatters’ trying to get a foothold in your heart today?

Friday: Read Acts 6:8-12, 15

    • When I first started driving, I loved to flirt with the gas gauge to see how low I could let it go before I needed to get gas. We called it, “running on empty.” Think about it. When we flirted with the gas gauge to see how low we could let it go, we drove without confidence because we weren’t sure when the car would die. What a picture that is – our self-effort trying to make the car do something it wasn’t designed to do – run on empty. However, when the tank was full, we drove with confidence because we knew we would get to our destination.
    • This image came to mind as I read this passage about Stephen. He is a good example to us on how we can minister at our best – on full and not on empty. Stephen had to minister in the middle of a heated argument, while people were spreading lies about him, under false arrest, and facing a lot of angry stares. And yet he ministered with “the face of an angel.” What was his secret? We are first introduced to Stephen as “a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 6:5) Stephen’s life ran on full and not on empty. We too can minister with the power Stephen did if we let God fill us with His Holy Spirit and not flirt with how long we can go without being filled.

Saturday: Journal

    • Take some time today and look back 1, 5, maybe 10 years and ask where your faith is now vs years ago.  Is it stronger, weaker, excited, tired?
    • How has the Spirit been working and how could you continue to fan the flame of your faith?
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