GPS: For the week of Sept 15, 2013

GPS: For the week of Sept 15, 2013


Monday:  Read Matthew 9:14-17

When we do things out of routine and habit instead purpose and excellence we will become antiquated and futile. Don’t allow yourself to be connected to antiquated people, their anachronistic ways will cause you inner division. In order for God to give you fresh ideas and deeper revelation, your spiritual and mental capacity must be stretched, otherwise we will burst under the pressure.

What could you read/study to help you advance God’s vision for the world?


Tuesday:  Read Luke 12:35-39

In this text Jesus is teaching on the importance of being servants who work diligently and wait expectantly. Jesus desires for us to live faithfully and productively. If you live your life as one who constantly looks for excuses to get out of doing things or even seeks extensions only to evade their completion, you will miss out on the true blessings of GOD.

As a form of worship, our work should add value to the lives of others. How do  you see your work adding value?


Wednesday:  Read John 14:12,13

Our faith in Jesus requires us to be productive on the earth, even at a greater capacity, due to our current capabilities. It is not God’s will that we allow our personal inabilities to hinder us from fulfilling our God given purpose. However if we rely on His divine assistance, our product will be the Glory of God.

How could you change perspective or sift your momentum to bring God more glory in the things that you are doing?  Many times these are simple shifts or reminders of perspectives that make a huge impact and keep our momentum going.


Thursday:  Read Hebrews 12:11

The purpose of teaching, training, molding and positioning, is not to be pleasant but to yield productivity. So as you endure the pains of the process, ponder the pleasures of the product.

What do you hear God saying to you so far as you build momentum for life?


Friday:  Read Philippians 3:12-14

As long as we are alive, we have not arrived. Nothing that we can attain on this side will equate with our eternal reward. So, keep a healthy hunger for knowledge, an unquenchable thirst for wisdom and a decent measure of ambition. Having this type of disposition will render great reward.

Where do you feel most tired in your life right now?  Make a list of some resources or people that could help you find momentum in those sluggish areas. Finally go and find those resources or people and regain that momentum.


Saturday Reflect on the Practices for lifelong learning

Read – after the bible, you should be reading something that feeds your intelligence, sparks your creativity and stirs your soul.

Observe – Proverbs 1:20 “says wisdom cries out from the street.” Learn how to take in your surroundings. Actually listen to the people you engage with. You will learn something new.

Do – We learn the most from hands-on experience. We retain the most of what we read, see and hear when we are able to practice by doing.

What “hands-on” experience would help you to move forward in life?


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