GPS: For the week of Sept 22, 2013

GPS: For the week of Sept 22, 2013

Monday, Ruth 1:1-22

Spiritual and social development is not confined to the small unit made up of a mother, father, brothers, and sisters.

Naomi, mother-in-law to Ruth, drew Ruth to God through a warm and loving relationship. God uses people connected to you through a variety of family relationships to serve as mentors and nurture your growth.

• What in Ruth’s life changed as a result of her relationship to Naomi (1 :16-18)?

• Who has been a person of spiritual influence in your life?

Tuesday, Matthew 12:46-50 and 10:32-39

God has provided two families for you: your biological family into which you were physically born and the family of God into which you are spiritually reborn. Jesus himself identified with the spiritual family. God’s design was for each family to invest in you as you grow up to be a committed follower of Christ. Even healthy, intact biological families need the influence and investment of the family of God.

• Who are the members of Jesus’ family (12:48-50)? What could separate the members of a biological family (1 0:37-38)?

• How has following Jesus united or divided your biological family?

Wednesday, Colossians 3:1-14; John 15:9-17

We often wonder why our relationships are not what we want or have visualized. God is specific in outlining what it takes to have the kind of intimate relationship God intended. It takes obedience to God’s instructions and the desire to treat others as we want to be treated. It’s hard work, but the reward is dynamic relationships that grow out of the ordinary, everyday, respectful interactions between family members, friends, and especially marriage partners.

• From the Colossians 3 passage, list what we are to take off. What are we to put on?

• How will you follow Jesus’ command to “love each other” with the most significant person in your life this week? What will you do?

Thursday, Ecclesiastes 4:1-12

As Solomon continued to share his observations of life, he showed compassion for those who were marginalized or oppressed as well as how important it is to have friends. When we build relationships, we gain strength to overcome life’s struggles.

• What benefits come from companionship?

• What difference has close companionship made in your life?

Friday, Hosea 10:12-11:11

Hosea reminded his people of the importance of preparing the ground and sowing the right “seeds”-those of righteousness-in order to reap the harvest of God’s love and care. Hosea also used the image of the love of a father for his son to describe God’s commitment to the Israelite people.

• What was the spiritual meaning when Hosea urged the people to “break up” their “unplowed ground” (10:12)?

• As you look over the whole of your life (relationships, character, spiritual integrity, handling of your possessions), is there any “unplowed ground” you need to break up in order to plant seeds of godly obedience? In which of these areas? Name your next step to get started.

Saturday, Mark 3; Luke 6:12-16

In today’s reading we see Jesus as servant, not only with crowds of people but also with individuals. Jesus refused to let the traditions of Jewish synagogue leaders prevent him from healing a handicapped man on the Sabbath, a sacred day. As his ministry grew, Jesus selected twelve followers to train and mentor as spiritual servant leaders.

• Jesus spent all night praying before choosing his disciples. What principle was Jesus modeling for all believers?

Jesus considered his spiritual relationship with his followers as valuable to him as his blood relatives. Because of your relationship with Jesus, who has become your spiritual “family”? What roles do they play?

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