Lent Devotion for March 30

Lent Devotion for March 30

Reflecting on Romans 8: 12 – 27

The Groaning Creation
As we continue this Lenten journey together, we continue to examine ourselves.  We continue to look at and let go of those things in our life that hold us in bondage.  But today, I invite you to examine creation as well.  As you go about your day today, notice how creation is “groaning in labor pains” to “be set free from its bondage to decay.”
Brothers and sisters in Christ, it is us, “the children of God,” that are called not only to work to restore our relationship with each other and God but also to restore all of creation into relationship with God.

May the Creator of heaven and earth give us the ears to hear the groaning in labor pains and may we respond with the love of God to restore all of creation into relationship with God. In the Name of Jesus the Christ, Amen.

Written by: Pastor TJ Mount, Araby UMC


Download the full Lenten Devotional Here