GPS: For the week of Feb 22, 2015

GPS: For the week of Feb 22, 2015

Weekly Reflections for Feb 22, 2015:


Encounter: invitation to change

Perhaps you met him a long time ago, his face but a distant memory. Or more recently – but it’s been a come and go sort of acquaintance. Life is different now though, and you’re ready. Ready to move forward in a new direction. This weekend we are starting a brand new message series that will zero in on some of the most famous encounters with Jesus in the New Testament.


Monday: Read Luke 9:44-56

This scripture details the encounter that we looked at this past weekend in worship. Why were James and John so angry with the Samaritan villagers? What does this reveal about their belief in what it meant for Jesus to be the Messiah? How does Jesus’ teaching about the children conflict with this? In what ways do you relate to James and John?


Tuesday: Read Psalm 39

During the season of Lent we are invited to reflect upon our mortality—the fact that one day this life will come to an end. What does this psalm have to say about that? Why is reflecting on our mortality a healthy thing for us to do?


Wednesday: Read James 4:7-17

How does this passage speak to not putting things off until tomorrow? Spend some time identifying areas in your life where procrastination is holding you back.


Thursday: Read 1 Thessalonians 5

Another focus during the season of Lent is on realigning our priorities and preparing ourselves for Christ’s return. What does this passage have to say to us about that? What does it mean that Christ’s return will be like a “thief in the night”? How does that challenge you?


Friday: Read Matthew 24:36-51

Jesus gave this teaching in response to a question his disciples asked him about God’s future. Despite being about the future, where does Jesus say that our focus should be? Spend some time identifying how your current priorities, passions and practices are not in line with your commitment to follow Jesus as Lord.


Saturday: Read Luke 9:44-56 (again)

This passage says that Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Why would this have been a difficult decision for Jesus to make? What was waiting for him in Jerusalem? What is your Jerusalem? What would it mean for you to resolutely set your face toward it?


Sunday: Read Luke 9:57-62

If we are going to maintain our resolution to move forward we are going to have to deal with our excuses. Which excuse do you most resonate with and why? How do the words of Jesus confront that excuse?

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