GPS: For the week of March 1, 2015

GPS: For the week of March 1, 2015

Weekly Reflections for March 1, 2015:


Encounter: invitation to follow  

A Jesus encounter is a profound life disruption. His call will take you away from all that is familiar and comfortable. And conversely, that very same call will lead to a discovery of the real you, the loved you, and the unique purpose for which you were born. Join us this weekend in worship as we count the cost of faith on the Lenten journey.


Monday: Read Luke 9:57-62 and 1 Kings 19:19-21

How does the call of Elisha in 1 Kings 19 shed new light on the words of Jesus in Luke 9.  Why would Elisha kill the oxen and destroy his plowing equipment? What does this say about what our response should be to a God encounter? How does this challenge you?


Tuesday: Read Luke 5:1-11

Why were Peter, James and John so quick to drop everything and follow Jesus? What was it about their encounter with him that convinced them that he was worth following?  What was it about your initial encounter with Jesus that convinced you that Jesus was worth following? In what ways could remembering and celebrating that initial encounter with Jesus fuel your current commitment to him?


Wednesday: Read Luke 12:13-21

This passage is known as the parable of the rich fool. Why was the man considered a fool? What is the danger in trusting material possessions for eternal satisfaction? How do you struggle with this?


Thursday: Read Luke 14:25-35

What point is Jesus making in verses 28-33. Put them into your own words. How does this challenge you? Knowing what you know now, if you could go back to the moment when you first placed your trust in Jesus would you make the same decision today?  Explain.


Friday: Read Mark 10:17-31

How does this man approach Jesus? What does that tell us about the state of his soul?  Why does Jesus invite the man to sell everything, give it to the poor and to come follow him? Why can’t the man do it? What is the real reason why Jesus calls us away from everything and to place our complete trust in him? In what ways do you relate to the young man?


Saturday: Read John 6:25-69

This is a tough passage to read. Why did many of the disciples desert Jesus? Why did the 12 choose to stay? Why have you maintained your allegiance to Jesus even in the face of difficulties and failure?


Sunday: Read Matthew 11:25-30

What does Jesus mean when he says “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”? When you read “you will find rest for your souls,” what does it make you think of? Why is following Jesus, despite its high cost, worth it?


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