GPS: For the week of July 14, 2013

GPS: For the week of July 14, 2013

This week the GPS is shaped a little differently because it is following the lesson focus of Vacation Bible School that is happening this week.  Enjoy and be sure to come to worship next Sunday (the 21st) as we celebrate God and STAND STRONG!!!


Monday: God’s love helps us…Stand Strong

Focus verse: Psalm 18:1 “I love you, Lord, you are my strength.”

There are times where life is hard and the obstacles we face seem too much for us to overcome ourselves. Think about the things in your life that make you feel weak.  No matter how weak you feel there is always one place you can rely on for strength.  King David, the author of the focus verse today knew this very well.

  • Think about some of those things that cause stress in your life.  In what ways can you be relying on the strength of God help you through those tough times?
  • As you pray today, name those things before God that are causing you the greatest amount of stress.


Tuesday: Friends and Family Help us… STAND STRONG

Focus verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:11: “So encourage each other and build each other up.”

The other week I (Pastor Chris) was at summer camp with a bunch of middle school students.  One of the things that we did was trust falls.  The students were asked to cross their arms, lean back and fall.  If they would have done this on their own they would have hit the ground.  But with the support of the other students they were not only caught but lifted up, think crowd surfing, by the others students.

  • Today make a list of people who consistently encourage you and the people that you encourage.
  • How might you say thank you to some of those encouragers in your life right now?  God and say thanks right now as your act of prayer.
  • DON’T FORGET- tomorrow is the VBS picnic at the Urbana park beginning at 5:30


Wednesday: Prayers help us… STAND STRONG

Focus Verse: Philippians 4:6: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.”

It is one thing to say don’t worry and it is another to actually not worry.  However prayer is a great way that we can tune in and focus on the positive rather than dwell on the negative.  Prayer allows us to tune in the nudges and places God is working and filter out those things that would bring us down or distract us from focusing on what we should.

  • Where do you find it easiest and hardest to tune into what God is doing in your life?
  • What particular steps can you take this week to “amplify” what God is doing?  If you need help ask a friend, family member or pastor Chris ( how they tune in to what God is up to in their lives.


Thursday: Trusting God helps us…STAND STRONG

Focus verse: Isaiah 26:4 says: “Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.”

What does the word “eternal” mean to you?

Today we get to make a little something called a mobius strip.  You will need a 1×11 inch strip of paper, a bit of tape and a pen or pencil.  Tape the 2 ends of the strip together. But rather than just making a loop, give one end a half twist and then tape it.  Now take your pencil and place it on the tape, at the center of the strip and begin to draw a line down the middle of the strip until you get back to the starting point.  (here is a video to help: For fun you can cut along the line afterwards.

Your paper looks like it has one side and that one side goes around and around without ending! Use the paper strip to remind you that God has no end—because he’s our eternal rock!

Friday: The Bible helps us…STAND STRONG

Focus Verse: Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

While on a climbing trip with a buddy of mine we were on a hike to find a place to sleep.  As darkness fell we realized that we only had one small headlamp for light, and the batteries were dead.  We stumbled into a flat-ish spot and made an uncomfortable cmap for the night.  When morning came we awoke to see on the other side of the trail was a perfect camping area that even had a fire ring and a bench…we felt like buffoons.

Trying to find answers to life’s problems without turning to God is like hiking at night with not light. It just doesn’t work. Only God has perfect wisdom and advice. And just think— he put that wisdom in a book for us!

  • Today write this verse down and place it somewhere you can see it and be reminded of God’s guidance.
  • Bonus: If you or your child don’t have a Bible go and get one.  Look at different translations to see what is comfortable for you/your child.  We also have them available at the church for you to have.  Need a suggestion on a good one, we can help there too just let us know.

Saturday: Sharing our Faith helps us… STAND STRONG

Focus Verse: Philemon 1:6 I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.

Sharing our faith is encouraging and life giving to others.  Talk with your VBS-er about what they learned this week.

Connect with others who are living out their faith via FaithPoint’s Facebook page and share the blessings of your VBS week.

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