GPS: For the week of March 22, 2015

GPS: For the week of March 22, 2015

Encounter: an invitation to freedom

He was merely the shell of a man—the ghostly remains of what used to be, living his life in dead-end places. But on the day he met Jesus his chains could hold him no more—set free from the demons within. What we find in this encounter is nothing short of an invitation to freedom.

Monday: Read Luke 8:26-39

How was this man’s “demons” affecting the way that he was living? In what ways can you relate to this man? Why do you think the town’s people asked Jesus to leave? What does this encounter have to teach us about who Jesus is?

Tuesday: Read Matthew 4:1-11

Notice how the first temptation begins in verse 3, and then look back at John 3:17.  What does this say about the nature of temptation? Is it really about food, or is it about something else? Explain.

Wednesday: Read Matthew 12:22-45

What are the Pharisees accusing Jesus of? How does he respond to their accusation?  Who is the strong man? How has Jesus “tied him up”? What does it mean to plunder his house? What is the point of his warning to us in verses 43-45?

Thursday: Read Ephesians 6:10-18

What does this passage say about confronting evil? What does Paul mean when he says “our struggle is not against flesh and blood”? What is our struggle against?  How do we win that fight? Describe in your own words what it means to put on the full armor of God.

Friday: Read Romans 6:11-22

What does it mean to offer yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness? What does it mean to offer yourself to God as an instrument of righteousness? Put verses 20-22 in your own words. How have you experienced the truth of those verses in your own life?

Saturday: Read Romans 8:31-39

This is a passage that you have probably read quite a few times, but read it in light of our battle with the spiritual forces of evil. How does it encourage you? Make this your prayer today.

Sunday: Read Luke 8:26-39 (Again)

Why didn’t Jesus let the man follow him? What does this say about what true freedom is? What would this look like for you?

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