GPS: For the week of March 8, 2015

GPS: For the week of March 8, 2015

Encounter: an invitation to grace

It was an encounter she could’ve never imagined. Accused, shamed and guilty there was nowhere to turn except to him – to forgiveness. Who could refuse such an intervention, an invitation to grace.


Monday: Read John 8:1-11

How do you think the woman was feeling about herself before Jesus intervened?  How do you think she felt about herself walking away from Jesus? What does Jesus’ interaction with this woman teach us about God’s grace? How do you relate to the woman? How about the people with the rocks?


Tuesday: Read John 1:1-18

We can see from the very beginning of John’s gospel that he has an agenda. What does he want us to know about Jesus? (Hint: verses 1-5) What does verse 16 mean?  How do grace and truth relate to one another? How does Jesus show us both?


Wednesday: Read Psalm 32

How can keeping silent about one’s sin make it feel like their bones are wasting away? How do you relate to that? What does this psalm say about the power of confession?


Thursday: Read John 3:16-21

What does this passage say about condemnation? If Jesus did not come to condemn the world then where does condemnation come from? What does it mean to live by the truth? What is the result of that? How does this passage encourage you?


Friday: Read Titus 2:11-14

How does God’s grace teach us to say no to ungodliness? What does this say about how grace works? How does this passage relate to the woman in John 8? How has God’s grace impacted you in this way?


Saturday: Read Colossians 3:1-17

In this passage, what is the author appealing to? Our old self or our new identity in Christ? Why is this important? How does this help us to understand the difference between conviction and condemnation? What are some things that you currently do or you can start doing in order to set your mind on things above?


Sunday: Read Luke 6:27-45

What is the real danger in judging others? What does Jesus mean in verses 37-38?  Does Jesus mean that he will withhold forgiveness from us if we do not forgive one another, or does he mean something else? Explain. Verses 35-36 let us in on the motivation that is to be behind our obedience—God’s character and attitude toward us. Why is it so important for our obedience to come out of a response to God’s grace and love toward us?

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