GPS: For the week of July 27, 2014

GPS: For the week of July 27, 2014

Weekly Reflections for the week of July 27, 2014:
Jesus’ main man Peter was a contagious leader, but his impulsivity could take him from hero to zero in 60 seconds. So often we struggle in the same way, our knee-jerk actions hijacking those divine desires. In the end the Holy Spirit got the best of Peter and flipped the world upside down. The same Spirit is waiting to transform our lives into stories worth telling.
Monday-Read Matthew 4:12-25
Why do you think Peter was so eager and willing to drop everything and follow Jesus?
Do you think Peter had any idea what he was in for? Recall your own call story.
What was it about Jesus that drew you to him? How has your understanding of what it means to follow Jesus changed since then?
Tuesday-Read Matthew 14:22-36
Of all of the disciples why was Peter the one who got out of the boat?
What motivated Peter to take his eyes off Jesus? How do you relate to this story?
How does it challenge you? How does it encourage you?
Wednesday-Read Mark 8:34-9:13
In your own words what were the three disciples on the mountain seeing?
Why was it such a big deal?
Why did Peter want to stay there and build shelters?
Obviously Jesus didn’t think this was a great idea. Why?
How does this influence the way you understand your own story?
Thursday-Read Matthew 16:13-28
Caesarea Philippi was a center of pagan worship. Why do you think Jesus took the disciples there to ask them who people were saying he was?
Why did Peter “rebuke” Jesus when he spoke of his death?
What does this reveal about what it meant for Jesus to be the Messiah?
Who do you believe Jesus to be?
How does this story reveal some of your own misconceptions about what it means for Jesus to be Messiah?
Friday-Read Luke 22
Peter seemed so confident in his allegiance to Jesus. Why then did he abandon Jesus when he was arrested?
What word of warning can we take away from this passage?
Saturday-Read John 21
What does this encounter reveal about Jesus’ feelings and belief in Peter?
How do you think this moment impacted Peter?
How does this passage encourage you?
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